Enjoy renting in London.
Yes, you read that right.


🌞 Zero-risk property switching

💪🏾 Utilities all organised for you

💰 Simple monthly payments

🥂 Housemate matching


Our mission:

To help you live your best (home) life

Renting in London can be a nightmare. There are what seems like a million different things to consider. From location, to legals, to tube routes, to maintenance processes.

By eliminating these hassles for you, we simplify the entire process. Providing you with clarity, peace of mind and certainty.

With love, The Cityhouse team ✌🏼


Stylish, safe, and comfortable homes

We’ve done all the legwork, carefully curating homes of all budgets designed for you. Explore a variety of furnished, modern homes without leaving yours.


Viewings you’ll actually enjoy

→ Accurate high quality virtual tours

→ Friendly team members to help you choose

→ Impartial advice about London locations


Live on your own terms
